Many common eye problems can be treated by visiting a pharmacy, your GP or your local opticians for advice. You can also use NHS 111 for minor eye problems by visiting 111 online, using the NHS App or by calling 111.

Some eye problems and injuries, such as having an object or substance in the eye, can cause permanent sight loss. Please see the emergency eye care page for advice.

​​​​If you have a non-emergency eye problem such as soreness, redness, new flashes, floaters, visual disturbances or a minor eye injury you can be seen quickly by a local eye care service. See below for details of services near you:

If you are having a recent problem with your eyes such as soreness, redness or visual disturbances, you can be assessed and treated by the Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS).

This is a free NHS service available from appropriately trained and qualified optometrists at a number of opticians in Bradford and Wakefield.

Minor eye conditions that can be seen under the service include:

  • red eye or eyelids

  • dry eye or gritty and uncomfortable eye

  • irritation and inflammation of the eye

  • significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye

  • recently occurring flashes or floaters

  • in-growing eyelashes

  • foreign body in the eye (something in the eye)

  • vision disturbances

There is more information about the MECS in Bradford on the Bradford Local Optical Committee website including which practices provide this service.

This leaflet will tell you more about the MECS in Wakefield, including how to book an appointment and who is eligible for this service.

Community Urgent Eyecare Services (CUES) are provided by local opticians in Leeds. These services aim to make sure people can access urgent eyecare within primary care. To find your nearest service, please use the Primary Eye Care Find a Practice function.

These services are only available in certain areas. Eligibility is based on the GP you are registered with and this will be checked by the opticians when you contact them. Please do not attend the opticians without calling first. They will be able to confirm eligibility and carry out some screening questions.

The Primary Eye Acute Referral Scheme (PEARS) is available free of charge to patients who are registered with a GP in Calderdale and Kirklees. Opticians taking part in the scheme can see patients of all ages for an assessment of sudden eye problems. If you need to be treated at a hospital eye clinic, they can refer you without the need to see your GP.

Links to details of opticians taking part in the scheme are below:

Here's some advice on the NHS website for minor eye conditions which you may find useful:

Find out when to get medical advice if you have a red eye, and read about the most common causes.

Find out what to do if you have a lump on your eyelid, or an eyelid that's swollen, sticky, itchy or painful.

Conjunctivitis is where your eyes are red and sore. Read about what causes conjunctivitis, how to prevent it and how to treat it.

Find out about floaters, which are small shapes that some people see floating in their field of vision.

NHS information about blepharitis, including the symptoms, when to get medical help and what you can do to treat and prevent it.

Find out about watering eyes, which can happen if too many tears are produced, or they cannot drain away properly.